
Our Vision…

  • To be humble servants of God operating in each of the gifts of the five fold ministry.


  • To provide relative and creative services that minister to children, youth and adults leading them to a lasting and sustainable relationship with Jesus Christ.


  • To provide a refuge of hope for those who are without, regardless of social or economic status, present or past success or failure, instilling in them value as they see themselves and their situation through the eyes of God.


  • To lead people to develop lifestyles of worship, acknowledging God as supreme in their lives.


  • To equip and prepare servant leaders who will utilize their God given gifts and abilities to reach the lost and hurting with the love and grace of Jesus at the direction of the Holy Spirit.


  • To train a local body of believers and the body of Christ regarding the principles of faith.


  • To travel, as the Holy Spirit leads, to evangelize the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.